
Political Science. Sociology. Law. 2/2021

Political Science. Sociology. Law. 2/2021

Title page



Volskyi O.
The impact of the hegemony on the structure of symbolic violence in the capitalist world-system

Hryshchenko N., Lyasota L.
Theories of population migration and their significance for the study of migratory attitudes in the XXI century

Pygolenko I.
Quality assurance of the field phase of the research during sociological surveys

Sidorycheva N., Tashchenko A.
The cultural appropriation in social relations

Sosniuk Ye.
Analysis of classical and modern approaches to defining the structure of political identity

Tsymbaliuk N., Lazarenko I.
Churches social service as a provider of social assistance practices


Bahinskyi A.
Crisis of the concept of “liberal peace”

Barabash O.
The question about the terms of office as a marker of the strategies of modern capitalism: Latin America and the Caribbean in search of a perspective

Kravets M.
Philosophy of transformational processes of information format of the structure of mass political culture

Nykyforenko A., Nykyforenko N.
Russian Federation “self-isolation” as a Kremlin’s foreign policy narrative

Pasichnyi R.
The influence of modern Russian propaganda on European countries

Chubatenko O.
Trends in developing election technologies in Ukraine


Antonyuk O.
The legal entities of the building reforms of decentralization executive bodies in Ukraine

Gutsu S.
Introduction of artificial intelligence into labor relations: perspectives of legal regulation

Diachenko S., Hordiyenko T.
Consideration of civil cases with the participation of jurors in Ukraine

Diachenko S., Zavadko D.
The private performers in Ukraine: legal status, problems and development prospects

Dychenko S., Melnyk T.
Legal regulation of the activity of jurors in civil proceedings

Zashupina Yu.
Dismissal of prosecutors as a result of unsuccessful attestation within the framework of the prosecutor’s office reformation in Ukraine

Kyrieieva I.
General characteristics of the conditions of terminating the right of citizens to special use of natural objects

Kozin O., Dyachenko S.
Abuse of civil procedural rights

Kosilova O.
Political participation as a form of realization of political rights: theoretical and legal discourse

Kostenko I., Belousova K.
Police measures in Ukraine: types and applications

Kots D.
The powers of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine in the normative-legal regulation of protection of information with limited access

Kuzmych O.
Topical issues of civil liability of third parties for breach of the debtor’s duties

Myslyvyi V., Klipanovskyi A.
Unmanned vehicles: legal regulation problems

Paskar A.
The role of a court in preventing the abuse of procedural rights by the participants of the civil trial

Radchuk O.
Selected issues of transportation of passengers and their luggage in international road transport

Sydorchuk V., Stoianov N.
The concept of procedural status of the investigator, its components

Shapovalenko Ye., Yemets О., Zlahoda О.
The Secure Information Exchange Network Application (SIENA) as a tool in countering criminal offenses

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