Political Science. Sociology. Law. 1/2024
Political Science. Sociology. Law. 1/2024
Кazmirova O.
Peculiarities of credit behaviour of the population during the war
Tkalych M., Krotevych Ye.
Local wellbeing index: theoretic model and research methodology validation
Khomiak A., Fedorchenko-Kutuiev P., Kolomiiets T.
Ukrainian labor migrants and refugees in Еuropean countries: conflicting nature of migration policies in modern societies
Ananin V., Uvarkina O.
Ukrainian military education: Еuro-Аtlantic vectors of transformation
Sychova A.
Geopolitics of energy resources: reconsidering security at the global level
Yuzkov T.
The role of PR in the fight against corruption
Skidan N. V.
The role of the supreme court in ensuring the observance and respect for the rule of law